Xiaoying Li

Ph.D. Candidate in Finance 

Kelley School of Business 

Indiana University Bloomington 



I am a PhD Candidate in Finance at the  Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. I will be on the academic job market and available for interviews in Fall 2024/Spring 2025

My research interests focus on bank intermediation. My job market paper studies how the introduction of central bank digital currency (CBDC) affects bank deposit market competition and funding stability

Here is my CV                        

Link to my Papers 

Job Market Paper

Central Bank Digital Currency: Effects on Deposit Competition and Bank Funding Stability 

A retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) increases the competitiveness of small banks but may also raise their bank-run risks. This paper studies this trade-off by exploiting the staggered entry of digital Chinese Yuan (the e-CNY) across citis, which imposed variation in the effects of the liquidity and bank-run risk shocks across banks. While enhanced competition in liquidity provision induces small banks to decrease short-term deposit rates relative to large banks, higher bank-run risks cause higher rates of long-term maturity deposits of small versus large banks. Further, funding composition of small banks tilts toward longer maturity deposits, suggesting better preparation for destabilizing "bank walks" with CBDC.